Editie MRT-APR 2020 – No. 202
12,00 €
Carsten Schultze, Facebook, Florian Häfner, Individual, Team, Open, Apprentice, Travis Burns, Jon Mather, Steven Green, Sean Millard, Stephen Beanie, Sarah, jim Blurton, Chris Linssner, Sarah Logie, British Farriers And Blacksmith Association, Ground, Soft, Hard, Penetrable, Non-Penetrable, Pressure, Force, Distribution, Penetration, Sink, Vertical, The Hoof of the Horse, Polydactyl, AGM, Poitou, Donkey, Food, Nutrition, Wood, Grazing Muzzle, Easy Keepers, Laurent Hurel, Patrick doffemont, Charles Leguy Vandevelde, Jim Blurton, Patrick Hedqvist, Wooden Soles
Pagina 3 | |
Pagina 3 | Editorial |
Pagina 4 | Content/Advertisers |
Pagina 09 | Treating a clubfooted foal – shoe a la florentine |
Pagina 16 | “Holy Land horseshoeing” – Chris Gregory |
Pagina 21 | Strohm school day |
Pagina 28 | Farriers rigs – Werner Kimmel |
Pagina 30 | News from the Flying Anvil Foundation |
Pagina 35 | Shoeing police horses |
Pagina 40 | Bar shoes |
Pagina 47 | Rail shoe application – Peter Peers |
Pagina 52 | EFFA News – Word of the president – John Ravanelli |
Pagina 55 | Landsberied Horse and Hoof Health Conference, Germany |
Pagina 56 | News |
Pagina 57 | Events |
Pagina 58 | Subscription form |
Pagina 59 | Comic / Impressum |
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